CNC Rotary Optical Encoder IEC Flange Encoder
CNC Rotary Optical Encoder Spindle Motor Encoder is an optical rotary spindle motor encoder used in CNC controller.STS series encoder electronic devices are imported from the USA, and optical components are integrated form photoelectric switch modules. The quality is stable and reliable. The grating is made of vibration resistance and high temperature resistant material, which can bear more than 3 times of shock and vibration of the traditional encoder.
CNC Rotary Optical Encoder Spindle Motor Encoder
CNC Rotary Optical Encoder Spindle Motor Encoder is an optical rotary spindle motor encoder used in CNC controller.STS series encoder electronic devices are imported from the USA, and optical components are integrated form photoelectric switch modules. The quality is stable and reliable. The grating is made of vibration resistance and high temperature resistant material, which can bear more than 3 times of shock and vibration of the traditional encoder.
CNC Handwheel Rotary Encoder
The CNC handwheel is essentially a kind of rotary encoder. It is used on CNC machine control panel or manual pulse generator. The dimension of the CNC handwheel is standard in international: 60mm and 80mm. This CNC handwheel is the 60mm outer diameter type. It has the same function as the rotary encoder to control the motion of the CNC machine tools. Along with the rotation of the wheel, the woking piece will move upward or downward accordingly.